Giving You Information and Inspiration!

Learn Self Confidence

Confidence is all important. Confidence in yourself will influence how other people see you, and the extent to which they trust you both as an individual, and as a part of a team. If you can put aside self doubt, and mistrust, and stop thinking that you ‘can’t do this or can’t do that’, you are on your way to self confidence and success.
Some people are just born oozing self confidence, and others develop it as they grow up and develop specific skills and abilities and establish their life path.
For others, however, it’s something that needs to be worked on as an adult. This may be because they have too often been told that they are useless, incapable etc. They may have been unfortunate enough to have overbearing parents or older siblings, or perhaps been bullied at school or by others in the neighborhood.
It can be hard to unlearn those views of yourself that have probably been internalized over many years. However, it is always, always worthshedding self doubt and re-learning about your self worth.
There are lots of ways that you can achieve this. Self hypnosis, using affirmations and neurolinguistic programming techniques are all possible aids to learning self confidence.
For all of them, however, you first of all need to understand that we, as humans, are programmed. Our brain and our conscious and sub-conscious minds operate very effectively. If you pile in to the brain statements about how useless we are, then the brain will effectively fill our data bank with this detail. If we ensure that our brain is told that we are able, can learn, and can achieve, then our data bank will reflect this.
If we then ask of ourselves ‘what sort of person am I’, it is the data in the brain that will give us the answer. So a data bank full of positive information will give positive answers.
Opening the channel to the subconscious is the key to internalizing the data. Try playing a tape or CD of affirmations when you are just about to go to sleep. Your brain has told your conscious mind that its time to sleep – which is an example of self hypnosis really. So your conscious mind switches off, and your subconscious mind is receptive.

This is the technique used to hypnotize people. When a hypnotist tells you that you are feeling sleepy and your eyes are closing, and you will listen to what is being said – this is exactly what you will do.
Your subconscious mind will accept the information it receives, and any instructions it receives. So you can be hypnotized into believing that you are a mouse, a dog, a horse etc. Equally, you can be convinced that you are sensible, capable, able and confident.Self hypnosis is really about learning how to open the door to your sub-conscious mind, and to transmit the information that you want – just the same way that someone else would do. Using tapes or CD’s is a good way of receiving the information you want.
Using affirmations is effective and can be done anywhere and any time. First thing in the morning, while you are getting
ready in the bathroom, look at yourself in the mirror and repeat your affirmations. For example:
I am a confident and capable person.
I am an achiever, and will be successful.
I work hard and deserve to succeed.
I find solutions when there are problems.
I am goal oriented and successful.
Repeating affirmations, whatever they are, has to be done on a regular basis, and with belief in what you are saying.
Self confidence is the key to learning new skills, progressing in your work and home life, and the foundation of all self development.

How To Develop Money Making Ideas?

It isn't the billions of ideas that pop up in the minds of humans around the globe that make money. Very few ideas are worth the time it took for the thought. Most ideas are fleeting "sparks" that go no place and are forgotten before the next day. Of the ideas that are good, very few are followed up and ever end up as a worthwhile development in the market place. Most
people are just not oriented to do anything about their ideas, while others believe it would take too much of their time and money to follow through to completion. This leaves the market place wide open for the person who learns how to "Create" Profitable Ideas!
There are three major formats you can use to create profitable idea:
  1. Find something that already exists, the presence of which has never been known before.
  2. Invent something. Most inventions are merely new arrangements of things that have already been invented.
  3. Alter or improve in any number of different ways something that already exists.
As you "Create" ideas, write them down. What you dream up can be your key to great wealth. Keep your mind "open" as you go through each day. What did you notice in the department store that would reduce costs, save money or increase sales if some simple procedure were added or something changed?
Ideas for improvements are one of the most valuable things you can contribute to society and at the same time add to your bank account. To create ideas for improvements, consider every possibility and alternative for the thing you want to improve.
Learn to create ideas by evaluating all the different aspects of the product, method or concept you are interested in. Put your imagination and subconscious to work and write down your thoughts pertaining to each of the things you expect to improve. Use the New Wealth, "Idea Format" that follows as your guide for creating Money-Making improvements.
Idea Format:
List the things you want to improve:
  • Why should it be improved?
  • Who will benefit from the improvement?
  • What is wrong with it at the present time?
  • Did someone else cause a problem with it?
  • How do you propose to improve it?
  • Do you have the facilities to do the work required?
  • Do you have the know-how to do the work required to improve it?
  • Exactly what part needs to be improved?
  • Should it be smaller? Larger?
  • Should the color be different?
  • Would more activity help make it better?
  • Could it be combined with something else to make it more practical?
  • Would a different basic material work better?
  • Is it too complicated, could it be simplified?
  • Would a substitute be more meaningful?
  • Is it priced too high?
  • Would a change in personnel help the situation?
  • Can the shape be changed to advantage?
  • Can a new marketing plan make the difference?
  • Is it safe?
  • Can it be mass produced to bring the unit cost down?
  • Should the appearance be changed... streamlined?
  • Is there an adequate guarantee?
  • What can make it appeal to a bigger audience?
  • Would new packaging or trade name enhance it?
  • Can it be made heavier, lighter, higher or lower?
  • Can it be franchised?
  • Is there a good maintenance program to back it up?
  • Can financing be simplified?
  • List ways to increase production:
  • List ways to increase sales:
  • List ways to reduce costs:
  • List ways to increase efficiency:
  • List ways to improve quality and increase profits!
  • What can be done with it to satisfy more people?

This New Wealth "Idea Format" will start the ideas "sparking" and as related ideas come to mind write them down in every variation you can think of. Do not judge the good or bad points of the ideas as they materialize to you, just write them down and judge them afterwards. You will stop the flow of ideas if you are critical of your thoughts before you put them on paper. When you have answered everything you can about the product or concept and know how it fits in with your plans, sit down and evaluate all the details you have written.
After you have found (created) a good idea, follow it up with questions on what should be your next move in order to do something about it, then act! Get it moving. Expose it to the world with sufficient tests to determine the value!
Come up with ideas that are still in the processing stage rather than get stuck on several vague points that may be worked out later as your subconscious goes to work. If your idea fails, so
what; you are just that much closer to finalizing another one, then another... until a useful more valuable idea is born. Every manufacturing plant, retailer, attorney, accountant; every business person, large or small, cannot continue to operate in the competitive world of today without someone in the organization constantly coming up with new and better ideas!
Old ideas drop by the wayside as new ideas take their place.
Old companies without new ideas fade away.
Those who learn and know how to create ideas and anticipate then changes needed, as the future evolves, have the opportunity to be a great success with big money-making potential! Another "tool" you can use to help dream up that million idea, is to spend several minutes each evening, relaxed with your eyes closed. Pick any object that comes to mind and try to change it in your "mind's eye". Change it in every manner you can think of to improve it.
The following evening pick another subject or object and repeat the process. Soon you will be using 20% of your brain power instead of the 10% normally used by the average person. As your knowledge and "brain power" increase so will your bank account. Just think what we could accomplish if we could get the other 80% of our brain power working? On second thought, let's not try to get 100% efficiency out of your human computer . . . we would probably blow up the world for sure.
Protecting Your Idea
When you have come up with a good idea, write a full description of it and make a sketch if necessary. Place the written information, the sketch and any other pertinent facts or documents in an envelope addressed to yourself. Have the post office seal the envelope with a date stamp over the flap, then send it to yourself by registered mail. Keep the envelope, unopened, in the event you need to prove ownership. Of course if your product has a properly registered trade mark, has been copyrighted, or you have Philippine patent you are protected from infringement.
A Few Idea "Sparks" !
When you come up with an idea, program or product that is so superior in style or performance that it is unbelievable you may need a notarized statement to assure your customer you are offering an honest deal.
Make a habit of examining each piece of correspondence you receive, taking care of it right at the time, do what is necessary right then. Never put it aside to be handled a second time if it all practical. This can save more time than anything else for an executive who handles a large amount of correspondence and mail. You can also save many more hours each week by doing several of the most important things that need to be done each day before you take up other, time consuming important details.
Another good way to "spark" ideas is to go through the classified and want ads in the newspaper ... Also the yellow pages of your telephone directory. As you read, think of something that would be of value to the company or person, or enhance the item you are reading about.
In summary, learn to develop ideas from observing everyday things and details. Think of what could make something better. Dwell on things that have a large marketing audience, something that everyone needs and wants. Write your ideas down. Put a pencil and pad at your night stand. When you remember a good dream... don't just lay there, by morning you will forget it... Jot it down on the pad. You will be surprised what you can dream up! Maybe the million dollar idea will magically appear on your pad tomorrow morning!


How To Land A High Paying Job?

There's probably more potential in your present job. Most people don't realize that they can get more out of their present job-by putting more into it! You may think that the only way to get a big money job is by going to another job somewhere, but the truth is that if the fault is in you, changing jobs won't help!
So before you go looking for that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, take a good look at yourself. Are you really doing all you could to help your employer right now? Or are you stuck in a rut, just doing whatever you have to do to get by? If the latter, it's no wonder the boss isn't giving you any raises, or only those token 5% raises that don't keep up with inflation.
If you have the possibility to make a substantial difference in your output, whether of quality or quantity, then do it. NEVER take the attitude "well, why should I put out for what he's paying me?" because, that way, he never will pay you any more. You've got to take the first step. He's got to see that you're worth more. And don't think that you ought to get it because you've got five hungry kids at home, while Bill has only one skinny wife to take care of. That is totally irrelevant. You're not paid because you need it, but because the boss needs you. And if you ever do get more than Bill, it'll only be because you worked for it.
Do you really have the cards in your hand?
Now if your objective appraisal makes it clear to you that you are already doing a super job for your employer, and that you are vitally needed to do that job, then you may hold the cards in your hand right now to get a really good raise, a longer vacation, better medical coverage, etc., etc. But even if you hold the hand, don't overplay it. If you back the boss up against a wall, or are offensive about it, his natural defensive instincts will come into play immediately, and he may decide to get rid of you even though he knows you're good, and that your dismissal will cause him considerable loss, agony and delay. Make it easy for him to say "yes", but leave him a graceful way to say "no", at least temporarily, without severing relations. Both of you have got to "save face", in the oriental sense, which is more applicable to the U.S. than we usually realize or admit. Don't tell him you've got another job offer if you haven't (unless you're the kind of reckless poker player who likes to go for broke), because that doesn't leave you any way to retreat and keep your present job if your boss refuses to meet the theoretical new boss's offer. You just can't lose that much face-to grove in the dirt and admit you were bluffing.
If you quit a job, quit gracefully!
If, on the other hand, you do have a new job offer at more money (and, we must assume, at better or equivalent benefits), then don't just quit your present job right off without notice or in any sort of impolite way. The only person you hurt by doing that is yourself. Because if you handle it properly, explain that you're leaving because you have a much better offer, and that you'll be glad to stick around until your replacement's hired, and help him get acquainted, etc., not only will you leave a pleasant taste in everyone's mouth, assure yourself of a good reference if you should need one later, and not screw up your final check or your accrued vacation pay and sick leave, etc., but, and this is the important but, your boss will have time to think it over without feeling threatened or blackmailed by you, and he may decide that you're just too valuable to lose, and make you a counter-offer of even more than the raise the
new job offered you.
What to do if you're in a no-future job!
But if, on the other hand, your objective appraisal leads you to the conclusion that there isn't any future for you with your present employer, and assuming you don't have another job offer right in your hand, then don't sit back and wait to be offered one, because you know that won't happen in a thousand years instead, go out and get one for yourself. Get moving! Start, of course, by reading the classified ads, not only in your hometown paper, but also in out-of-town papers from cities you wouldn't mind relocating to (these newspapers can always be purchased at some major downtown newsstand in your own city).
If you don't see the job you want advertised, try placing your own ad, classified, or even, if you are ambitious, display. Tell them about yourself, not only your official and/or technical qualifications and/or achievements, but also the special qualities which make you especially good for the job you are seeking. Sell yourself-you're the only one that can do so. Invent a job for yourself and once you've considered what it is that you really likedoing, think about creating your own job, uniquely suited to your skills or interests. You would be much happier selling model railroads to hobby shops if you're a model buff than you would be selling bathroom fixtures. Think about a niche that no one is filling, in an area that you know about or have worked in before. Then try to interest companies along those lines in your abilities. If they don't have a job opening...but you can show them how hiring you can save them money, double their sales, or dramatically improve a money-losing department, you may wind up doing what you like, and getting paid for it!
The right resume is very important!
Early on in your job campaign, in fact the first thing before you start, is the preparation of a resume. Too few people know the proper way in which to set about this, or even that it is a desirable thing to have. But really, for any job but the most menial, it is almost a necessity. It is your representative when you apply for any position by mail, and it is a most useful aid to leave behind, as a summary and reminder, when you apply for a job in person.
Always orient your resume to your future, not your past. Of course, however, you must include your education, your past work experience, and any special honors, awards, prizes or other trophies you may have won. Most importantly, you must list your job objective. Keep in mind that any future employer wants to know what you can do for him; not what he can do for you. This means that he will evaluate your past experience in view of his own future needs, so you should do that too. A list of your responsibilities in your past job might not mean anything to your future employer if he's in a different business, but your skills in managing people, or saving the company money, or creating a new product or selling method might be the most important thing you could put on your resume-even if those things were not part of your past job but things you come up with on your own time!
You need not tell everything!
What if parts of your background might not look good on your resume? You have a gap of one year when you were unemployed, for example, that you don't want your resume to include. There are several ways to deal with this, depending on how you want to orient your resume! If you want to stress your independence and go-getting ability, you might want to "invent" your own consulting firm, or neighborhood service company, or other business of your own that you "worked for" during that time gap. (But be prepared to have letterheads or business cards printed up to make this seem real, in case potential employerswant proof.) Or if your uncle owns a company, ask him to give you a reference stating what a valuable employee you were for him during that period.
Remember that the point of your resume is to present you in the best way possible, and unless you need to be bonded or get a security clearance for your new job, many companies don't check job histories very thoroughly, except for perhaps your most recent one.
Looking your best
Just as you want to look your best on your job interview, so too your resume must look its best. A carefully laid-out, typeset resume, with the most important information about you set up in easy-to-read blocks of space, is like a gift to a personnel director. Remember that as many as a hundred people may be applying for the same position that you seek, and a favorable remembered resume gives you a head start over the other applicants.
One point that I want to stress that is often omitted in manuals on the subject is that you should not let your local copy center or printer do the resumes on the cheapest lightest paper they have around, or have the original typed on an old beat-up manual typewriter. The presentation affects the reception given to your facts. Perhaps it should not, but, let's face it, it does. That's why manufacturers of consumer goods spend so much money on packaging! As the old proverb says, "Put your best foot forward!"
So put your best foot forward, and don't save 100 pesos in printing your resume, it may cost you 40,000 pesos in the salary you are offered (if indeed they want to hire you at all, after they see your "sleazy" resume).
Go all out in your job hunt!
Make looking for the new job a real challenge to your creativity. Come up with new and different way in which to present yourself and/or your qualifications. Lift yourself above the heap, let your resume be the one that attracts their attention, and gets you that job! Your guaranteed job where you can't be fired! If you'd like to have a guaranteed job where you can't get fired, you have several ways of doing about this. The simplest, if you are really valuable to your boss (as we have discussed before), is to ask for an employment contract the time you're negotiating with him over your salary and terms of employment. Time periods of two, three, or even five years are not uncommon. But remember, while the security may be something you want, you are giving up something too, your freedom to move around and or negotiate, and binding yourself to agreed salaries (whether escalating or remaining static) for those years, disregarding both potential inflation and possibly greater performance and productivity on your part.
Another way of achieving that non-firing status, aside from being the boss, is being a partner in the business, or a major stockholder, with the clout to make your job firing-proof.


Selling Excellence

I would like to share with you an article that I kept for a long time that guides me in my selling career. I practiced this guides in my selling profession that helped me closed a lot of sales until now. I don’t know who was the author of this article but surely it thought me a lot. For those who want to start their selling career please read completely to appreciate it. I hope this can help.
Many people are striving to improve themselves. People are reading self-improvement books; it is an indication that they are aware that to make themselves better, they have to continue improving their personal selling abilities.
Excellence in any selling situation will be achieved through building self-confidence, and it comes from knowledge. You have to know and understand yourself and your goals. You have to recognize and accept your weaknesses as well as your special talents. This requires a kind of personal honesty that not everyone is capable of doing.
In addition to knowing yourself, you must continue learning about others. Just as with yourself, you must be caring, forgiving and laudatory with people. In any sales effort, you must accept other people as they are, not as you would like for them to be. One of the most common faults of sales people is impatience when the prospective client is slow to understand or make a decision. The successful salesperson handles these situations the same as he would if he were asking a girl for a date, or even applying for a new job.
Learning your product, making a clear presentation to qualified prospects, and closing more sales will take a lot less time once you know your own capabilities and failings, and understand and care about the prospects you are calling upon.
Our society is based upon selling, and all of us are selling something all the time. We move up or stand still in direct relation to our sales efforts. Everyone is included, whether we're attempting to be a friend to a co-worker, a neighbor, or selling multi-million dollar real estate projects. Accepting these facts will enable you to understand that there is no such thing as a born salesman. Indeed, in selling, we all begin at the same starting line, and we all have the same finish line as the goal - a successful sale.
Most assuredly, anyone can sell anything to anybody. As a qualification to this statement, let us say that some things are easier to sell than others, and some people work harder at selling than others. But regardless of what you're selling, or even how you're attempting to sell it, the odds are in your favor. If you make your presentation to enough people, you'll find a buyer. The problem with most people seems to be in making contact - getting their sales presentation seen by, read by, or heard by enough people. But this really shouldn't be a problem, as we'll explain later. There is a problem of impatience, but this too can be harnessed to work in the salesperson's favor.
We have established that we're all salespeople in one way or another. So whether we're attempting to move up from forklift driver to warehouse manager, salesman to sales manager or from mail order dealer to president of the largest sales organization in the world, it's vitally important that we continue learning.
Getting up out of bed in the morning; doing what has to be done in order to sell more units of
your product; keeping records, updating your materials; planning the direction of further sales
efforts; and all the while increasing your own knowledge – all this requires a great deal of personal motivation, discipline, and energy. But then the rewards can be beyond your wildest dreams, for make no mistake about it, the selling profession is the highest paid occupation in the world!
Selling is challenging. It demands the utmost of your creativity and innovative thinking. The more success you want, and the more dedicated you are to achieving your goals, the more you'll sell. Hundreds of people the world over become millionaires each month through selling. Many of them were flat broke and unable to find a "regular" job when they began their selling careers. They've done it, and you can do it too!
Remember, it's the surest way to all the wealth you could ever want. You get paid according
to your own efforts, skill, and knowledge of people. If you're ready to become rich, then think
seriously about selling a product or service (prefer ably something exclusively yours) – something that you "pull out of your brain;" something that you write, manufacture or produce for the benefit of other people. But failing this, the want ads are full of opportunities for ambitious sales people. You can start there, study, learn from experience, and watch for the chance that will allow you to move ahead by leaps and bounds.

Here are some guidelines that will definitely improve your gross sales, and your gross income..
  1. If the product you're selling is something your prospect can hold in his hands, get it into his hands as quickly as possible. In other words, get the prospect "into the act." Let him feel it, weigh it, admire it.
  2. Don't stand or sit alongside your prospect. Instead, face him while you're pointing out the important advantages of your product. This will enable you to watch his facial expressions and determine whether and when you should go for the close. In handling sales literature, hold it by the top of the page, at the proper angle, so that your prospect can read it as you're highlighting the important points.
  3. With prospects who won't talk with you: When you can get no feedback to your sales presentation, you must dramatize your presentation to get him involved. Stop and ask questions such as, "Now, don't you agree that this product can help you or would be of benefit to you?" After you've asked a question such as this, stop talking and wait for the prospect to answer. It's a proven fact that following such a question, the one who talks first will lose, so don't say anything until after the prospect has given you some kind of answer. Wait him out!
  4. Prospects who are themselves sales people, and prospects who imagine they know a lot about selling sometimes present difficult selling obstacles, especially for the novice. But believe me, these prospects can be the easiest of all to sell. Simply give your sales presentation, and instead of trying for a close, toss out a challenge such as, "I don't know, Mr. Prospect - after watching your reactions to what I've been showing and telling you about my product, I'm very doubtful as to how this product can truthfully be of benefit to you." Then wait a few seconds, just looking at him and waiting for him to say something. Then, start packing up your sales materials as if you are about to leave. In almost every instance, your "tough nut" will quickly ask you, Why? These people are generally so filled with their own importance, that they just have to prove you wrong. When they start on this tangent, they will sell themselves. The more skeptical you are relative to their ability to make your product work to their benefit, the more they'll de mand that you sell it to them.If you find that this prospect will not rise to your challenge, then go ahead with the packing of your sales materials and leave quickly. Some people are so convinced of their own importance that it is a poor use of your valuable time to attempt to convince them.
  5. Remember that in selling, time is money! Therefore, you must allocate only so much time to each prospect. The prospect who asks you to call back next week, or wants to ramble on about similar products, prices or previous experiences, is costing you money. Learn to quickly get your prospect interested in, and wanting your product, and then systematically present your sales pitch through to the close, when he signs on the dotted line, and reaches for his checkbook. After the introductory call on your prospect, you should be selling products and collecting money. Any call backs should be only for reorders, or to sell him related products from your line. In other words, you can waste an introductory call on a prospect to qualify him, but you're going to be wasting money if you continue calling on him to sell him the first unit of your product. When faced with a reply such as, "Your product looks pretty good, but I'll have to give it some thought," you should quickly jump in and ask him what it is that he doesn't understand, or what specifically about your product does he feel he needs to give more thought. Let him explain, and that's when you go back into your sales presentation and make everything crystal clear for him. If he still balks, then you can either tell him that you think he's procrastinating, or that overall, you don't think the product will really benefit him, or it's purchase be to his advantage. You must spend as much time as possible calling on new prospects. Therefore, your first call should be a selling call with follow-up calls by mail or telephone (once every month or so in person) to sign him for reorders and other items from your product line.
  6. Review your sales presentation, your sales materials, and your prospecting efforts. Make sure you have a "door-opener" that arouses interest and "forces" a purchase the first time around. This can be an interest stimulator so that you can show him your full line, or a special marked-down price on an item that everybody wants; but the important thing is to get the prospect on your "buying customer" list, and then follow up via mail or telephone with related, but more profitable products you have to offer.
If you accept our statement that there are no born salesmen, you can readily absorb these
"GUIDES." When you realize your first successes, you will truly know that "salesman are made - not born."


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