Giving You Information and Inspiration!


I saw a little girl watching her sister perform onstage. She has full of smile but after the performance of her sister, she bowed her head and breath hard. I went to her and ask her what was her feelings. She said “why my sister have all the talent while I don’t have any?”.
Every individual was created different from others. Even both came from the same parents, they weren’t the same. Even they carry almost the same chromosomes from their parents, each one possess different qualities. Each individual possess different blueprint. Even identical twins are distinct from one another. They share the same womb and connected on the same placenta but when they grew up aside from they physical feautures, they are different.
Men are created totally different from each other. Each one is unique. Each one is rare. Each of us possess different characteristics, attitude, intelligence, emotions, physical features and ability to adjust to environement. For this reason, we can say we are all special. Why?
When you were born, God whisper something to you but by the passing of time you forgot it. He said “You are the greatest miracle in the world”. Can’t you remember? Have you forgotten?
Men were called CHAMPION OF CHAMPIONS. Out of 400 million sperm cells of your father it was only you who were able to penetrate the egg of your mother. You were the one who passed the challenge of racing towards the finish line. You made it. You won the race. You were a champion. Out of those million sperms, God could had been created 400 million more like you but it was only you who came to Earth. You are very special. God gave you life meaning He loved you! Why do you have to envy others? Is there a reason?
From the start of creation, billions of people populate this world, was there anyone the same as you. Even the prints in our fingers differ. No one walked on Earth exactly like you. YOU ARE UNIQUE. YOU ARE RARE. They won’t see a person as special as You. It was only you who thinks you are inferior to others but you are actually not. You are God’s most precious creation. You are God’s greatest miracle.
Now that you already know, get out in this world proclaiming that you are a rarity, unique and different. Don’t be ashame of your weaknesses because everyone have their own. Turn your weaknesses into your stregth. Turn your inferiority to oozing confidence. Live a life that you deserve. Don’t dwell on your mistakes but show people that you are indeed special. There is no one like you.

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